
What Is Mother Board ? || Parts Of Mother Board || Knowledge With Raj ||

What Is Mother Board?

A motherboard is one of the most essential parts of personal computers arrangement. It contains together many of the crucial components of a computer, in particular the central processing unit
(CPU), recollection and connectors for input and output device. The cornerstone of a motherboard contained in a very firm sheet of non-conductive thing, generally some sort of rigid plastic. Thin mantles of copper or aluminum foil, drawn attention to as finds , are printed onto this sheet. These retraces are very narrow and form
the tours between the various components. In addition to tours, a motherboard included a number of sockets and slots to connect the other components.
Source: Google

Parts Of Mother Board:-

  • Here are some typical parts of the motherboard:-
    Source: Google

  1. A CPU socket -  The actual CPU is directly soldered onto the socket. Since high speed CPUs generate a lot of heat, there are heat sinks and organizing port for fans right next to the CPU socket.                                                                     
  2. A power connector to distribute power to the CPU and other parts.                                                                                      
  3. Slots for the system's primary storage, commonly in the form of DRAM chips.                                                                                 
  4. A chip shapes an interface between the CPU, the main memory and other parts. On numerous types of motherboards, this is referred to as the Northbridge. This chipping also contains a large hot sink.                                                         
  5. A second microchip controls the input and output roles. It is not connected instantly to the CPU but to the Northbridge. This controller is referred to as the Southbridge. The Northbridge and Southbridge mixed alluded to as the chipset .                                                                 
  6. Several connectors, which provide the physical interface between I / O device and the motherboard. The Southbridge treats these connections.                                               
  7. Slots for one or more hard drives to store registers. The most common types of connections are IDE & SATA .                                                     
  8. A ROM chip, which contains the firmware, or startup commands for the computer system. This is also called the BIOS.                                                                                                                                    
  9. A slot for a video or graphics card. There are a number of typical types of slots or port, in particular the Accelerated Graphics Port &Peripheral Component Interconnect Express.                                                                                                                             
  10. Additional slots to connect hardware in the Peripheral form to part Interconnect( PCI) port.

Information Source: Google
Picture Source: Google

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